Privacy Policy

We collect minimum amount of information about you, to provide you with the satisfactory services. The policy indicates the type of information that is collected about you. Your use of this website gives us the right to collect the necessary data about you. We may collect all the information shared by you, depending upon the type of transactions you enter into, this includes your name, email address, phone number, address, etc. along with the information that you use over the website.

Your Internet browser has an inbuilt facility for storing small files called “cookies” that hold information which allows a website to recognize your account. Our website takes advantage of this functionality to enhance your experience. You have the ability to prevent your computer from accepting cookies but, if you do, certain functionality on the website may be impaired.

There is no child labor involved. We respect your information shared with us, and do not rent or sell your information to any third party vendor.

Any change in the Policies or Terms of Use will be maintained and updated over regular basis. We suggest before using any of the features you can go through this page once.

In case you have any queries related to Terms and Privacy policy, please write to us at